Allergic to Tattoo Ink

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education Allergic reactions to tattoo pigments are fairly uncommon except for certain brands of red and green (with which some many people have a slight problem with itching, swelling, redness of the skin, oozing). People who are sensitive or allergic to certain metals may react to pigments in the skin by becoming swollen and/or itchy, oozing of clear sebum is also common. People with allergies should think carefully about getting a tattoo because of the risk of anaphylactic shock (hypersensitive reaction), which can be life threatening. Some tattoo artists give small tests, by marking a small amount of ink behind the ear to determine if that person has an allergic reaction.

"Fuck Court"

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education
Here's a heart warming story for you, at the age of 14 this guy was sent to juvenile hall for aggravated assault with fatal consequences, there, he asked his juvie friends to tattoo on his forehead the phrase "Jebać Sąd" (Fuck Court [though, "jebać" is significantly stronger than English "fuck"]). Why ? As he explained "I felt harmed by the court's decision, during the assault I was with two of my friends but they weren't sent to the juvenile hall like I was.". So where's the twist ? Now, he's 21 and he decided to change his life. He will end his sentence in 2010, but in orded to get a fresh start he needed to have his tattoo removed. Although his cell mates mock him, he had it removed (by a painfull skin stretching followed by cutting out the tat).